Humberto Sanchez
ISSA Certified Elite Personal Trainer


Welcome to HUSA Performance Systems!

If you're motivated to get healthier and stronger, you've come to the right place.

As an ISSA-certified fitness professional, I can help you set realistic goals and transform your health and your life for the better. I can help you look and feel your best. And I can help you enjoy yourself along the way.

About Me:

I am based in Gilberts, IL. which is about an hour west from Chicago.  I converted my home basement into a gym and this is where I train my clients.

I am the founder of the Power Pit Powerlifting Club/Gym, where we meet five times per week and go through various workouts.

I am a competitive powerlifter and compete up to four times a year. I also hold the following records:

  1. National Raw Deadlift Record 
  2. Illinois State Raw Bench Press

To get in touch with me, just click on "Contact Me" and send me a message or you can give me a call at 262-682-1708

Thanks for visiting, and have a great day.